Sunday, January 27, 2013

Get into a routinue!

In my thorough research in tips from Baby Center (lol) I’ve come to find that setting a routine for the baby is good so the child knows what to inspect and feels comfortable and confident in their day.  I’ve read that a lot of moms ‘make’ the schedule for their child setting strict bed times, cluster feeding, bed time techniques etc. 

Trying to make Noah go to bed at a certain time, or putting him before he was ready wasn’t working for us.  It became a chore rather than a time to bond.  After trying hard to make it work for us, we decided to let him take the reins and tell us what works for him.  We let his natural clock tell us when it’s time and low and behold he put himself on his own schedule.

Currently – he is bright eyed and bushy tailed between 6:00 and 6:30 am.  This is Daddy’s time with Noah before he leaves for work as I leave before Noah wakes up.  Noah takes a bottle at this time and talks with daddy about his plans for the day.  My son is such a morning person its ridiculous.  I look forward to the weekends where I get to chat it up with him!

He’s than up or a few hours – great grandma(who watches him in the day) along with great grandpa and sometimes auntie Stephanie (when she’s not working) will play with Noah and interact (Tummy time!), than he’s ready to eat and nap.  The cycle goes on and off every 2 to 3 hours. 

I usually get home around 6 which is mommy’s time with Noah! The key is to not stimulate him too much during this time which will make him fussy and fight sleep.  So I’ll dim the lights to the room – no tv, music or flashing toy lights.  I’ll lay him down and just talk to him.  I’ll ask about his day, tell him about mine – you know small talk. lol – Some nights we will pull a book out too(as he gets older I plan to make books regular but he just doesn’t love them yet) --- When it’s warmer bath time would take place here instead equipped with his favorite nighttime lotion massage daddy does! (bath time knocks him out!)

Around 7-7:30 he is ready for his bottle.  I’ll feed to him, sing his favorite song ‘You are my sunshine’ (I sang it to him since he was in the womb and he loved it!).  He usually drifts in and out of sleep by this time. Than after the burp session I’ll rock him to full sleep.

He stays asleep till about 9:30-10:00 which gives me and my fiancé a chance to set up for the next day, shower, pull clothes out, make lunches and talk about our day.  Sometimes we will go to bed at the same time Noah does! haha But at that 9:30 wake up I’ll feed him and rock him back to sleep and he’s out until about 3. 

Noah has the most amazing daddy, he’s been the one to get up at that 3’oclock wake up and change, feed and rock him back to sleep.  I promise to try harder, but he does it without complaint so he makes it even harder for me to get up since he’s so good at it! lol  

After, the cycle starts all over again.

Some tips I’ve picked up along the way are:
-Dim lights early
-White noise is the best thing for a fussy baby! Ever…
-Avoid talking or playing with the baby in the middle of the night changing or feeding. Stimulating will cause the baby to come out of the slumber and think it’s playtime.
-Keep lights off if you can. We use a night light after the 10’o clock wake up. This is to insure that he starts to recognize his days and nights. 

Of course, I’m not an expert, but this is what works for our family.
Happy baby sleeping!

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